Audit company AF OLGA Audit is part of group of companies that render to Clients professional audit, consulting and accounting services during more than 20 years, since foundation in 1997 year. In September of 2009 year our company entered global network of audit firms EuraAudit International, with main office in Switzerland.
Audit firm OLGA AUDIT
Confirmation of highest standards of professional qualifications and quality of services that we render to our clients is successful completion of external quality control of audit services by our company held by Audit Chamber of Ukraine in September of 2009 year. Our company has successfully passed repeated quality control of audit services in February of 2014 year and in January of 2020 year, that is also confirmed by decision of Audit Chamber of Ukraine.
Why us?
- Great work experience
- Team of professionals
- Complex approach to servicing of Clients
- Minimization of risks for Client
- Internal quality standards
- Confidentiality
- Complete range of professional services
Our experience
23 years
Great experience in audit, consulting and accounting
Clients in different spheres of business
Limited liability company Audit Firm “OLGA Audit” is registered in Register of auditors and audit entities under № 1767 and was included into Section “Audit entities that have right to conduct statutory audit of financial statements” of mentioned Register
We appreciate our clients and try our best to establish long-term cooperation based on trust, professionalism and respect. We are proud that for more than 20 years of work, our company became partner in audit and consulting of many world-famous companies operating in Ukraine. We are pleased to specify them in the context of different fields (types) of activities.
Founders and Partners
Olexiy Gachkivskyi
Experience: 23 years
Certified auditor.
Education: National University of Food Technologies, faculty of economic and management of production.
Deputy head of Audit Chamber of Ukraine from March, 2007 year till March, 2016 year.
Head of Audit Chamber of Ukraine from March, 2016 year till March, 2017 year.
Artur Surmenko
Experience: 20 years
Certified auditor.
Education: Kyiv National Economic University, marketing faculty.